Daimler formally opened an engine plant in Beijing in November – its first outside Germany – that will eventually export components to Europe. 今年11月,戴姆勒(Daimler)正式在北京开设了一家引擎生产厂&这是其在德国以外地区设立的首家引擎厂,并且最终将向欧洲出口零部件。
Mr. Luter's joint-venture proposal to Mr. Wan, made when he was still CEO, involved building a plant together in the U.S. dedicated to producing pork for export to China. 卢特尔向万隆提出合资提议时他仍在担任首席执行长,提议涉及到在美国合作建造一座工厂,专门生产向中国出口的猪肉。
The plant has already achieved the sanitary regulation on export product, and also successfully received the sanitary registered certificate and certificate of operation import and export business. 工场产品符合出口食品检疫卫生要求,并取得了检疫卫生注册证书和进出口企业资格证书。
Activity Analysis of Booking, Charter, Applying to Customs Shipment and Ocean Shipping of Power Plant Materials Export 电站物资出口定舱、租船、报关、装船、远洋航运活动分析
Complete Plant import and Export Corporation 成套设备进出口公司
Instead of conventional crops, like tomatoes, cucumber and watermelon* the centre would plant profitable crops, like strawberries, flowers and hybrid seed, aimed for export to Western markets. 该中心并不种植土豆、黄瓜和西瓜等传统农作物,而是种植草莓、鲜花和杂交作物等经济作物,目标是出口到西方市场。
Condition for the supply of plant and machinery for export 机械和设备出口供应条件
He has been urging the companies to move forward with a shorter pipeline to the south coast of Alaska, where a new LNG plant could be built for export to Asia. 他一直在敦促各家公司研究铺设一条更短的管道通往阿拉斯加州南海岸,在那里新建一家向亚洲出口的液化天然气厂。
That was on display in Durham, North Carolina where the Ge aviation plant will make 377 jet engines this year, 80 per cent for export. 这一点在北卡罗来纳州的达勒姆得到展示,通用航空(geaviation)在这里的工厂今年将制造377台喷气发动机,其中80%出口。
China National Complete Plant Export Corporation 中国成套设备出口公司
Yixing City inspired medicinal chemical plants is a plant exports, 10000 tonnes of salt annually citric acid were all export Western europe, the United States and Southeast asia. 宜兴市振奋药用化工厂是外贸出口专厂,年产柠檬酸盐10000吨,全部出口西欧、美国和东南亚。
In Qatar, the Pearl plant to convert natural gas to liquid fuels, and the Qatargas 4 project to produce super-cooled liquefied natural gas for export, are scheduled to come on stream by the end of 2010 and ramp up production in 2011. 在卡塔尔,Pearl工厂将把天然气转换为液体燃料;Qatargas4项目将生产超冷液化天然气,用于出口。这些项目计划在2010年底前投入运营,在2011年实现量产。
Then discussed the need for historical data compression, and the achievement of theoretical methods and plant interfaces and real-time data platform import export interfaces to achieve. 然后,论述了历史数据压缩的必要性、可行性、数据压缩理论和实现的方法,以及电厂实时数据平台输入接口和输出接口的实现。
General situation of methanol market at home abroad was analyzed from aspects of productive capacity, plant scale, demand, import export quantity and price etc. 从生产能力、装置规模、需求量、进出口量及价格等方面分析了国内外甲醇市场的概况。
The Influence of Plant Growth Regulator in Solar Greenhouse on Distribution and Export of Assimilation Product of Cucumber 植物生长调节剂对日光温室黄瓜同化物运输及分配的影响
Shandong Province, which has bigger plant area of peanut, is the biggest produce and export base of peanut in China. 山东省的花生种植面积比较大,是中国花生主要的生产和出口基地。
The agricultural export products in Shandong ranks first in the country for many consecutive years, but animal and plant health inspection and quarantine standards, food standards, trade protection measures such as technical standards become the biggest obstacle to agricultural export products in Shandong province. 山东省农产品一出口额连续多年位居全国首位,与此同时,动植物卫生检验检疫标准、食品标准、技术标准等贸易保护措施也成为山东农产品出口贸易进一步发展的主要障碍。